Worship Worship with us 8:30am & 10:30am all are welcome

Youth Ministry

Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at St. John

At St. John, we don’t see our youth as the church of tomorrow. Rather we believe our kids are church with us today. It is in ingrained in out congregation’s DNA to provide, care for, and lift up the young people who call this church home. We do this not just because Jesus said “let the little children come to me” but because it is through our kids that we find hope, life and encouragement as we move forward.

Children are welcome in all of our worship services. If they are making noise - it's okay! Busy bags with coloring pages and activities, and books are hanging on the back pew in the Sanctuary.

Our Noah's Ark playground provides an open space for children to play and use their imaginations any day of the week!

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered weekly from September-May for Pre-K through 4th grade during the 8:30AM service. If you are uncertain where to go, just ask an usher. Children attend worship with their families and then leave for a short lesson. The kids return during communion.

Sunday School children participate in the Annual Christmas Pageant and Youth Sunday worship services, as well as singing during worship once per month.

Our Sunday School is overseen by members of our Christian Education Committee, and staffed weekly on a rotating basis by congregation members. A typical Sunday would consist of a biblical story, a response to the story, song time, and closing prayer.

First Communion

At St. John First Communion is not a process of instructing young children on exactly how God turns bread into flesh and wine (or grape juice) into blood, but rather a process of considering the questions: how is God with us? How does God feed us? How is Christ present? How does the sacrament strengthen us in our life in Christ? Why commune?

First Communion classes happen at church after worship over lunch (what a better way to learn how to share a holy meal) and at a local pottery studio where kids made their own chalices (which are used in worship for weeks and then the child's forever). First Communion traditionally happens in the spring.


Confirmation is the public affirmation of faith. It is the time when young people declare in front of God and others: THIS I BELIEVE...

Confirmation is traditionally for youth grades 7-9. Sometimes we start in 6th grade and sometimes we extend to 10th grade or beyond. We are flexible at St. John.

Classes meet monthly. Confirmation camp at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center is recommended.

When appropriate, we also provide a confirmation for adults (including those who have and who have not been confirmed before).


A nursery is available on the first floor across from the restrooms. Live audio streaming of the worship is available. We hope to provide streaming in the near future.


If you have further questions concerning our youth opportunities or visiting St. John with children, simply get in touch!